Y-Marketplace/Purchase Order FAQ's
How do I get set up to buy and/or approve on Y-Marketplace?
Your department controller will need to email a request with your name and net ID to Bruce Roden (bruce_roden@byu.edu) and request that you either have the rights to purchase items on Y-Marketplace or approve orders. You will also be expected to complete the Y-Marketplace training accessible here. To verify that you are set up on Y-Marketplace, please log into myBYU and click on your “Work” folder. You will see a link towards the bottom of the folder called Y-Marketplace once you are set up.
How is my approver determined in Y-Marketplace?
Approvers are assigned by department controllers. Some approvers are over several operating units, while others may only be over one operating unit. If an approver over an operating unit needs to be changed, please notify your department controller.
How do I track Y-Marketplace orders?
Choose the "Orders" tab at the top of the homepage. There should be a list of your recent orders. Click on the appropriate order number. Locate the "Status Bar" at the top of the page which indicates where the order is in the process. Hover over the bubbles for more detailed information.
When do I use a Purchase Order?
If your purchase is estimated to be over $3,500, then you will need a purchase order through Y-Marketplace. You can place your own order to pre-qualified vendors through the Global Search field or the Catalog page in Y-Marketplace. If you don’t see the vendor you need, you can enter an electronic requisition through the “New Order/Cart” tab on Y-Marketplace. Your e-requisition will then be assigned a buyer from Purchasing, who will turn it into a PO and send it to the vendor.
If your purchase is under $3,500, we encourage you to use your p-card or department card to make that purchase.
Can I get bids on my own?
It is recommended that the buyer over the commodity you want to purchase contact vendors for bids. Purchasing buyers are trained on different negotiating strategies that will oftentimes get you better terms or pricing than if you negotiate on your own. Also, buyers are often aware of other departments that may need the same commodity as you, which will ensure you receive better bulk pricing.
If you’re not sure which buyer is over the commodity you need, please see the Commodity/Category Assignments link to the left of this page or call our office at 801-422-3872.
What do I do with rebates I earn?
Selecting a venue or vendor should not be based solely on whether they offer a rebate. We encourage departments to purchase through Contracted Suppliers in Y-Marketplace if possible to avoid potential problems with rebates. If a rebate is earned, it should go back to your department and not used for personal reasons.
Do I have the authority to sign a contract?
The Presiding Bishop has extended actual authority to agents in the Purchasing Department to sign contracts. If you have a contract, please contact the buyer over the commodity you’re purchasing, and he/she will review and sign the contract. You are welcome to review the contract as well and suggest any additions or subtractions that you feel are necessary.
How do I make a purchase at Sam's Club or Costco?
The University has a Sam’s Club card on file at the Provo Sam’s Club. You can check the card out at the Customer Service desk and then make your purchase with your p-card or department card. Sam’s Club will not accept a Purchase Order from Y-Marketplace.
Costco currently accepts Visa or debit cards, so you can use your p-card or department card. Costco.com will accept Visa or Mastercard. Additionally, the Orem Costco will accept a Purchase Order from Y-Marketplace. Please submit an electronic requisition through the “Other Order Methods” tab on Y-Marketplace and a purchasing agent will finalize a PO for you.