The university provides several different types of credit cards. Review our University Credit Cards page to determine what card is best for you. Follow the links on that page to complete an application online. Your Finance Business Partner will approve your online application.
Can I have my purchasing or corporate card limit raised?
Requests to raise your purchasing and corporate card limit above the maximum $3,500 limit will be denied.
If you need to make a purchase that is above this limit, please complete a requisition in Workday. Your requisition will be assigned to a member of the purchasing team to fulfill your purchase request.
What are my daily/monthly limits on my p-card?
Your daily transaction limit is generally set between 5-10 transactions per day. The monthly limit is generally set at $10,000 for cards assigned to and individual and $20,000 for cards assigned to a department custodian. The per transaction limit is no more than $3,500 per transaction. If you feel you need to adjust the spending limits on your account, please discuss your request with your Finance Business Partner who can then request limit increases with the Card Management team.
Any restricted items I can’t buy with my p-card?
Use of the purchasing card for the following items is prohibited:
Personal Purchases
Transactions exceeding the authorized transaction limit. You should never split the cost of a single transaction between two or more sales receipts to avoid card spend limits.
Gift cards
Independent contractor payments, personal services, or wages
Hazardous materials
International purchases of software, copyrights, licenses, subscriptions, or royalties. For additional information on paying foreign vendors, see the BYU Tax Office website.