Commodity/Category Assignments Skip to main content

Commodity/Category Assignments

Purchasing - Directory by Commodity
Code BYU Description Buyer
ADS Advertising: Print, Radio, TV, Billboards, Internet, etc. Bruce Roden
ADSPEC Awards: Service Awards, Advertising Specialties, Watches, Jewelry, Trophies, etc. Tyler Hansen
AGF Florist Supplies & Materials, including Flowers, etc. Lynette McCoy
AGM Grounds, Landscape, & Farming Machinery and Equipment Terry Hatch
AGS Landscape, & Agricultural Materials & Supplies; Fertilizers, Herbicides Terry Hatch
AGSC Landscaping, Horticultural Services; Farming Terry Hatch
ANF Feed and Supplies for Animals and Animal Care Lynette McCoy
ANL Live Animals, Livestock, Birds, Fish, etc. Lynette McCoy
ANV Animal Health Products and Services, including Veterinary Lynette McCoy
AP Appliances: Laundry, Food Service, Commercial, Domestic, etc. Roland Nelson
APCT Clocks, Time-Keeping Devices, Time Clocks, etc. Lynette McCoy
ARC Arts and Crafts Equipment, Accessories, Supplies Lynette McCoy
ARPD Professional Services: Photographic, Design, Artwork Lynette McCoy
ART Art & Artwork: Paintings, Photographs, Sculptures, Works of Art Lynette McCoy
ATH Athletic, Sports & Recreational Equipment, Supplies, & Accessories  Bruce Roden
BLAE Professional Services: Architectural or Engineering Terry Hatch
BLCM Building Materials, Tools & Supplies (Concrete, Lumber, Steel, Hardware, Sheetrock, etc.) Terry Hatch
BLDW Building Materials--Finished: Doors, Windows, Skylights, Ceiling tiles, Door Hardware, etc. Terry Hatch
BLFC Floor Coverings & Flooring Materials: Carpet, Tile, Hardwood Flooring, etc. Terry Hatch
BLFF Furniture & Fixtures for Office, Classroom, Dormitory, etc. Lynette McCoy
BLM Cleaning and Janitorial Equipment & Supplies, MRO Lynette McCoy
BLMS Cleaning and Janitorial Services, Contracted Cleaning Lynette McCoy
BLP Portable Structures, including Tents, Bleachers, etc. Terry Hatch
BLR Rental or Lease: Office Space, Apartment, Building (not Storage or Warehouse) Bruce Roden
BLS Building Construction, Support, Maintenance and Repair-Contracting Terry Hatch
BLSA Security surveillance and detection: Alarms, Card Access, Locks, CCTV Bruce Roden
BLSI Signage and Accessories (excluding billboards) Terry Hatch
BLWT Window Treatments: Curtains, Drapes, Blinds, Shutters, Laminates, etc. Lynette McCoy
CL Clothing, Costumes, Uniforms, T-shirts, Linens, Textiles, Fabric, Leather, Fibers, Yarn, Notions, etc. Tyler Hansen
COH Computer Hardware: Computers, Laptops, Monitors, Drives, Accessories. (excludes Printers) Paul Anderson
CON Data, Voice or Multimedia Network Equipment, Platforms, Accessories Paul Anderson
COS Software: Purchase or Licensed, including Software as a Service Paul Anderson
COSS Computer Services: Consulting, Programming, Maintenance, Implementation Support Paul Anderson
ECP Electronic Components, Parts and Accessories Paul Anderson
EDFC Educational Facilities: Classroom & Other Rental, Services, etc. Bruce Roden
EDTAM Teaching & Developmental Aids, materials, accessories, supplies, etc. Bruce Roden
EDTST Testing Services & Materials, Evaluations, Standardized Tests, etc. Bruce Roden
EDWSC Educational Institutions: Tuition, Seminars, Conferences, Joint Ventures, etc. Bruce Roden
ELD Electrical Equipment, Devices, Cable, and Supplies (Power, Distribution, & Conditioning) Paul Anderson
ELL Lighting and Fixtures and Accessories, General; Lamps & Ballasts Paul Anderson
ELSS Stage & Studio Lighting Fixtures, Dimmers, Controllers, etc., Lamps Brian Ewell
EN Entertainment Services: Admissions, Performers, Musicians, etc. Bruce Roden
FD Food, Groceries & Beverages, miscellaneous & Vending Roland Nelson
FDD Food: Dry Roland Nelson
FDE Food Service Equipment, including Preparation Equipment Roland Nelson
FDFR Food: Frozen & Refrigerated Roland Nelson
FDS Food Service Supplies Ginger Miller
FDSD Food Service Disposables Ginger Miller
FDSR Food Service: Restaurants and Caterers Ginger Miller
FI Financial Services & Transaction Fees, including Expense Management Services Eric Smith
FII Transactions between CES & LDS Church entities (not elsewhere categorized) Eric Smith
FIT Taxes & Government-imposed Fees Eric Smith
FUL Fuels, Liquid: Gasoline, Diesel, LP Gas, Propane, LNG, Acetylene, etc. Terry Hatch
FUS Fuels, Solid: Coal, Firewood, Gel Fuels Terry Hatch
GMS General Miscellaneous Goods (not fitting another category) Paul Buckner
INE Industrial Equipment: Manufacturing, Processing, Pumps, Compressors, etc. Terry Hatch
INMH Material Handling Equipment: Pallets & Jacks, Forklifts, Shelving, Conveyors, etc. Terry Hatch
LCS Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services Lynette McCoy
LES Laundry Equipment and Supplies Lynette McCoy
LIP Licensing Fees, Intellectual Property Rights, Royalty Payments & Residuals Bruce Roden
MC Radio Communications Devices Brian Ewell
ME Audio-Visual Equipment & Accessories, including Broadcasting & Editing Brian Ewell
MM Audio-Visual Media: DVD & CD Replication, Media Program Licenses & Content Brian Ewell
MP Audio-Visual Productions & Production Services, including Songwriting, Composition, Recording, etc. Brian Ewell
MPH Photographic Equipment, supplies & materials, including Scanners, Imaging, Micrographics Brian Ewell
MS TV & Media Subscription Services: Cable, Satellite, etc. Brian Ewell
MSR Sound Reinforcement, Public Address Systems Brian Ewell
MU Musical Instruments, Supplies & Accessories Brian Ewell
OFF Office Equipment, Printers, Copiers, Multifunction, Scanners Tyler Hansen
OFS Office Supplies & Accessories Jacob Packer
PAP Paper: for Print & Office, Stationery, Wrapping, Drawing, Posters (Excludes Packaging) Tyler Hansen
PAPKG Packing Supplies & Packages: Cartons, Pallets, Cushioning, Crates, etc. Tyler Hansen
PM Printed Media: Magazines, Newspapers, Books, Flyers, etc. Published by others. Tyler Hansen
PRE Printing, Bindery & Prepress Equipment and supplies including plates, ink, film, PUR adhesive, etc. Tyler Hansen
PRS Printing services, printed materials (Printed by BYU) Tyler Hansen
PUB Publishing Contracts & Services Including Information Subscription Services Tyler Hansen
RD Waste Disposal Fees & Costs, including Hazardous Waste Bruce Roden
SEC Consultants: Management, Accounting, Business Paul Buckner
SEI Industrial Services: Welding, Machining, Casting, etc. Terry Hatch
SEIC Independent Contractors, not otherwise classified Paul Buckner
SEL Legal Services, Attorneys fees & retainers Eric Smith
SEM Maintenance & Repair Services, not otherwise classified Terry Hatch
SEMHC Medical & Health Care Services Bruce Roden
SEMS Miscellaneous Services (Work-related organizations) Paul Buckner
SH Freight and Shipping, including parcel services Paul Buckner
SHHG Shipping Household Goods Bruce Roden
SHP Postal Services, (USPS-Government only) Bruce Roden
SS Scientific Supplies, Chemicals & Equipment (<$75,000), Lab Gasses, Test & Measurement Devices, etc. Bruce Roden
SSE Scientific Equipment, Major (Item or System costing $75,000 or more) Bruce Roden
SSMED Medical Equipment, Supplies, Dressings, Medications, Drugs, etc. Bruce Roden
STO Warehousing & Storage Terry Hatch
TCD Data Connectivity Services (Frame Relay, Internet Service provider, etc.) Park Romney
TCEQ Telecommunications Equipment & Supplies Paul Anderson
TCSW Telecommunications Services: Wired & Wireless Paul Anderson
TRAIR Airline Passenger Travel Brian Marks
TRAIRC Airplane Charter Travel Brian Marks
TRDEST Travel Destination Management: Tour Components, cruises, etc. Brian Marks
TRLOD Lodging, Meeting Rooms & Accommodations Bruce Roden
TRPT Passenger Transportation & Travel (excluding airplane) Jacob Packer
TRVR Vehicle Rental, Auto, Truck, Trailer, etc. Paul Anderson
TRX Travel Management Services, Tools, Support Systems and Resources Paul Anderson
UE Utilities-Electric Terry Hatch
UNG Utilities-Natural Gas, including Transportation, etc. Terry Hatch
UWS Utilities-Water, Sewer, Sanitation, etc. Terry Hatch
VCT Vehicles, Motor: On-Road, including Automobiles, Trucks, Trailers, Busses Paul Anderson
VOR Vehicles: Off-Road, including Bicycles, Tractors, ATV's, Boats, etc. Paul Anderson
VPS Vehicle Parts & Supplies: Lubricants, Tires, Repair Parts Paul Anderson
VRS Vehicle Repair & Maintenance Services, Body Shops & Painting Paul Anderson