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Our mission is to Protect all BYU employees against compromising situations, and help BYU optimize its return for surplus property.

Departments and/or university employees are not authorized to conduct the sale of any university owned item(s) that have been deemed to be surplus. Likewise, no items owned by the university may be given away (or taken) by any person or entity, even if said item(s) have been identified as scrap, or discarded as refuse. University personnel who wish to obtain ANY surplus item(s), must do so through established surplus policy. Questions should be directed to the University's Surplus Administrator at 801-422-7004.

More information can be found at Surplus Procedures

To Surplus Items

Capital Equipment: Email the list of items, and ICN number located on the BYU Property Tag, you have available for surplus to
Non-Capital Equipment: Call BYU Moving directly to pick up your items (2-2710)
Computer Related Equipment: Fill out Form on IT Surplus
Electronic Media to Sell or Dispose: Please read: Guidelines for Media Disposal

To Purchase Surplus Items, other than vehicles

BYU Purchasing and Travel surplus pages: Here, you will see items for sale and items for auction, when available.
eBay: General description of items posted here
IT Surplus: Office furnishings, computer related equipment.
Faculty, staff, and employees of BYU for On Campus use only may obtain items at no cost and have BYU Moving transfer those items to their office. Items are also for sale to the general public. Occasionally, the university lists and sells surplus items through this on-line auction website.

Todd Mortensen
University Surplus Administrator