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Purchasing and Travel Systems

Fast Track

Fast Track purchases are for certain categories as designated by Purchasing and Compensation. Fast Track purchases are done by approved Associate Buyers who have completed a training class on Training LMS and returned an Associate Buyer application.

Fast Track Training is located on Training LMS under the Work menu of myBYU.


Y-Marketplace is used for purchasing goods or services. Can be used for both catalog and non-catalog purchases, software, etc.

Y-Marketplace training is located on Training LMS under the Work menu of myBYU.

Chrome River

Chrome River is used for travel reimbursements and card charge reconciliation. Additionally, it is used for student and university guest reimbursements.

Chrome River training is located on Training LMS under the Work menu of myBYU.

Simply Travel

Simply Travel is meant to be used for simple, domestic trips as well as personal travel. Simply Travel allows you to book your own travel, hotel, and cars online without having to go through a travel agent.

Simply Travel training is located on Training LMS under the Work menu of myBYU.