Travel FAQ's Skip to main content

Travel FAQ's

Frequently Asked Travel Questions

1. To what bank account will my cash advance and expense report reimbursements be deposited?

Cash advances and reimbursements for university employees are directly deposited into the bank account established for refunds and reimbursements under your payment elections in Workday. Payment elections can be viewed or modified in the Workday Expenses Hub.

2. I have found an airfare on the internet for my trip. Can I book it?

Before you book a fare on the internet, first contact the Travel Office at 422-3872 to speak with an agent. The agent will compare your internet fare quote with the fares in our system and with our contracts. If we are unable to match the internet fare the agent will email you with approval to purchase the airfare. Include a copy of that email with your receipt on your expense report.

3. Do I need to fill out a spend authorization if there is no expense to the university?

Yes. The spend authorization is both an approval for expenditures and an authorization to go on travel status. It also establishes insurance while you're traveling. The only time you do not submit a pre-approval is when you will not stay overnight or use commercial transportation.

4. Can I be reimbursed for meals if my trip does not include an overnight stay?

Under special circumstances when an individual leaves home very early in the morning and returns home late the same night, the University will consider the individual away from home longer than a normal workday (the person must be gone a minimum of 12 hours to qualify) and will reimburse actual meal costs with receipts not to exceed the allowable per diem.

5. Can multiple travelers be listed on the same spend authorization?

If a group of employees are all traveling to the same destination, they should each complete their own spend authorization and expense report.

The employee designated as the travel group leader for a traveling group of students completes the spend authorization for the group. The group leader lists the names of the students in the Justification section of the spend authorization or attaches a list of the students as an attachment to the spend authorization.

6. Can I use a credit card statement as a receipt?

No. Credit card statements do not contain the details required: date of transaction, vendor, amount, itemized detail of purchase, and form of payment. If you are missing a receipt, please contact the vendor and request a duplicate receipt. Most vendors are responsive in provide a duplicate receipt.

7. I lost one of the receipts from my trip. Is there any way to be reimbursed without a receipt?

BYU policy states that travel receipts exceeding $50 and purchasing card receipts regardless of the amount are required. If you are missing a required receipt and you have made every effort to get a duplicate, then complete a Lost or Missing Receipt Affidavit and upload it in place of the missing receipt on the corresponding line of your expense report.

8. I am planning to drive instead of fly to my destination; how do I calculate my travel estimate?

You will need to complete the Airfare Equivalency Worksheet to determine which of the following two options is less:

  • Airfare equivalent - Includes airfare (you'll need to speak with a travel agent to obtain the airfare cost), a round trip to the airport, airport parking, and $40 allowance for ground transportation in your destination city.
  • Actual round-trip mileage - Includes the current mileage reimbursement rate for the actual miles between Provo and your destination.

Attach the worksheet to both the spend authorization and expense report and claim the lower of the two options using the Airfare Equivalency expense item.

9. I need to register for a conference; if I register in advance the fee is lower, however, my credit card bill will be due before I go on my trip. What can I do?

You can file more than one expense report against an approved spend authorization. Be sure to include the conference fee in the spend authorization. Complete the expense report for the conference fee and attach it to the approved spend authorization and submit. File another expense report after the trip occurs for the remainder of your expenses.

10. Should I purchase additional insurance for my car rental?

No additional insurance is required for rental cars domestically. Additional insurance purchased domestically is NOT reimbursable. Travelers SHOULD purchase additional insurance on international car rentals and that insurance will be reimbursed.

11. What is TSA PreCheck and how do I get it?

TSA Precheck allows low-risk travelers to move through security quicker and more conveniently. Check with your department to determine the business need for TSA PreCheck and whether they are willing to cover that expense.

There are varying levels of TSA Precheck. Click the following link for more information on the program.

TSA Precheck