For the Strength of Youth (FSY and EFY) Skip to main content

For the Strength of Youth (FSY and EFY)


Those traveling in support of EFY programs can take full advantage of BYU Travel's services and contracted pricing.

Parents (or legal guardians) are responsible for getting youth to and from EFY programs. For details, check on the home page or event site for your specific session.

Check-in and check-out for all EFY Adventure For Youth sessions will take place at BYU.

Travel directions to BYU can be found here.

If you are an employee in travel status and have a travel emergency, please call 801-319-8865.


If you have questions regarding FSY, please contact your ward FSY representative. If they are unable to answer your questions, the following link and phone numbers will be your best resource to find answers.

United States: 1-801-240-3009
Canada: 1-888-898-8144

Please call Monday - Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. US MT.

  • Extension 2—General questions
  • Extension 3—Registration questions (participants, assistant counselors, teachers, or session directors)

If you have a question regarding registration, you can also email

If you have a question or request regarding dietary, disability, medical, or other accommodations, email

If you are an employee in travel status and have a travel emergency, please call 801-319-8865.