Mileage and Per Diem Skip to main content

Mileage and Per Diem

Mileage Rates

    Mileage RateEffective 2024Effective 2025
    Standard Rate67 cents/mile70 cents/mile
    Fuel Only Rate23.5 cents/mile24.5 cents/mile

    Meal Per Diem Table

    Per Diem Table effective 10/01/23-09/30/24

    Per Diem Table effective 10/01/24-09/30/25

    Travelers in approved travel status and same-day travelers away from home at least 12 hours are entitled to a meal per diem allowance. The university uses as a guide the per diem allowance amounts set by the IRS.

    Per diem is an all-inclusive allowance established and governed by current tax laws and its use is for meals and incidental expenses. Travelers must choose to use per diem or claim actual expenses on their expense report, but may not mix the two options on a given trip. There is no allowance for additional charges for other meals, fees or tips to waiters, porter, baggage or bell persons, television and in-room movies, laundry, or transportation between places of lodging and dining when claiming per diem.

    Per diem is allocated in the destination city time zone by meal period as follows:

    Meal Time Periods

    6:01 a.m. to 12:00 noon


    12:01 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.


    6:01 p.m. to 12:00 midnight


    (NOTE: The period of time from 12:01 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. may be used to extend either the breakfast or dinner meal period as needed.)

    Whenever a meal is provided a traveler (for example as part of a conference, breakfast provided by a hotel, participating in a hosted meal, etc.) then the meal period should be deducted from the overall per diem claimed on the expense report.

    The Per Diem Table is based on the city and county you are traveling to. If your city is not listed in this table, you need to determine if the county is listed. Use the National Association of Counties Website to find the county of the city you will be traveling to. If your county is not listed, then select all other travel cities for the state you are traveling to which will use the lowest per diem level. The per diem rate for travel to foreign countries, Alaska and Hawaii are the highest per diem rate.