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Payment Options

Payment OptionsIf purchase is over $3,500If purchase is less than or = $3,500
Y-Marketplace, Contracted SuppliersGoods & services found in Y-Marketplace catalogs may be purchased regardless of the amount.
Y-Marketplace, Other Order Methods (E-Requisitions)Goods & services not found in Y-Marketplace catalogs.*Use Purchasing or Corporate Credit Card, unless Purchasing help is needed to locate the vendor, good or service.
Fast TrackOnly for Services within approved categories.If Purchasing or Corporate Card cannot be used within approved categories.**
Chrome River, Purchasing or Corporate CardNot permittedPayment to corporate vendors (not individuals) that accept credit cards.**
Chrome River, Campus CardUsed with on campus vendors (for example BYU Store, Dining Services, etc.) if approved with higher spend limit.Used with on campus vendors (for example BYU Store, Dining Services, etc.)
Chrome River, Employee ReimbursementNot permittedUsed only if the need to purchase is urgent and other payment options were not available. Reimbursements over $50 w/out explaining why a university card was not used are reported on the compliance report.

*Do not negotiate directly with vendors in advance of submitting an e-requisition.

**Purchasing or Corporate cards should not be used to purchase gift cards; hazardous materials; independent contractors; or foreign software, copyrights, licenses, subscriptions or royalties.

Note: Chrome River is not to be used for issuing refunds to customers. Refunds should be processed through the AP Prizes or Refunds Module.

Last updated: April 27, 2020